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- DEMO Pickleball Tournament
- Michael Fernandez

We have a National Challenge for you.
Register to play 30 Games in 30 Days (complete 30 games anytime within the Month of June.) Play 6 games in one day, 3 the next. OR maybe you are in need of a full pickleball day? Drop-in one morning and paddle out 20 games... We are just grateful you have accepted the goal of 30 games within 30 days.
Or has someone asked you to sponsor/pledge their goal of 30 Games in 30 Days?
CLICK on one of the links below, and PLAY, PLEDGE A FRIEND, or BECOME A SPONSOR in support of No Limits, a nonprofit organization offering NO COST programming, speech, and language therapy, academic tutoring, literacy classes, STEM, and parent education and support. No Limits believes that all kids with hearing loss deserve to receive a quality education, equivalent to their hearing peers. This amazing organization helps children realize their dreams. (Please use the links below to Play, Pledge, or Sponsor)
Thank you for your enthusiasm and support.
Register to play 30 Games in 30 Days (complete 30 games anytime within the Month of June.) Play 6 games in one day, 3 the next. OR maybe you are in need of a full pickleball day? Drop-in one morning and paddle out 20 games... We are just grateful you have accepted the goal of 30 games within 30 days.
Or has someone asked you to sponsor/pledge their goal of 30 Games in 30 Days?
CLICK on one of the links below, and PLAY, PLEDGE A FRIEND, or BECOME A SPONSOR in support of No Limits, a nonprofit organization offering NO COST programming, speech, and language therapy, academic tutoring, literacy classes, STEM, and parent education and support. No Limits believes that all kids with hearing loss deserve to receive a quality education, equivalent to their hearing peers. This amazing organization helps children realize their dreams. (Please use the links below to Play, Pledge, or Sponsor)
Thank you for your enthusiasm and support.

In Support of Giveffect Demo