Hello family and friends. My name is Emerson Gardner. My birthday is October 31st and I will be 5 years old. I am making this video to raise money and feed hungry children in Houston. The charity I chose is called Kids’ Meals. They feed more than four thousand pre-school kids every day. My sister Parker and I would like to feed more kids with your help! For only $2, Kids’ Meals will make and deliver a healthy meal to a child at home.
For my 5th birthday, I would love you to help me feed hungry kids. Use the link to donate what you can. Thanks so much!
If you would like to participate, simply click "donate button" and follow the prompts, it is just that easy.
If you would prefer to mail your gift in, you may do so at the following address. Please add Emerson's name in the memo line on your check.
Kids' Meals Inc.
330 Garden Oaks Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77018
Thanks for your consideration.

In Support of Giveffect Demo